Google has been the dominant way of searching the internet and likely will remain so far into the future, and its stock performance is certainly impressive.
Consumerism is a MegaTrend, and one thing that is always a key to attracting the consumer is price. This retail giant has this fact down
Netflix may be down, but it’s still the best streaming provider on the market. This is a rare gift to buy NFLX at a discount!
In celebration of the new year, we’re sharing our top 10 Trendsetter stocks that you should be following right now.
There’s just as much demand for Old Economy businesses as there is for New Economy ones. They remain great investments if you know what to buy.
I built my entire investing philosophy off of what I call “MegaTrends.” These are trends that aren’t going anywhere in the discernable future, like global healthcare
Using my Trendsetter Strategy, I search for the best performing stocks across industries that will always be in need.
This past spring 2021, President Joe Biden proposed a massive infrastructure bill. This could mean some serious cash flow into the US infrastructure sector.
July 2021 held important milestones for manned spaceflight, as well as towards democratization of space travel. With these advancements, we see a new MegaTrend forming.